Christian Juggler: Nathan Dorrell aka Crazy Tie Guy & family

Juggling for churches, Christian events, missions and ministries.  Nathan is a minister, international juggling champion, evangelist and world record holder for Jesus!  You might want to have Nathan and family come for Kid’s church, Family nights, award nights, special worship services, children’s events, festivals, camp, revival or a kids crusade…Nathan is ready for your church/ministry event to make it amazing and to see God work where you are!  Nathan has been trusted by hundreds of churches to join them in helping their team of ministers to reach families and communities for Jesus.  Churches large and small enjoy seeing a family working together to bring the fun and the Good News!  God uses Nathan and family to leave people truly in awe of Jesus!

Juggling Shows for:   Church ministry   sports outreach   VBS/Camp   Other

  • a quote from a recent event in 2024:

    “Nathan Dorrell and family greatly blessed our church.  They seized our congregation’s attention from start to finish.  Better yet, they clearly and compellingly shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Not only are they wildly talented, but Nathan is a great communicator.  I would recommend ‘The Crazy Tie Guy’ to any venue. ” 

    Bro. Josh Moran

    Pastor, FBC Flintville, TN             see more quotes from others


                    931-563-2330 text, call or email