Upward ® & Sports

What we offer as Upward®entertainers:

We do incredible Gospel entertainment for your Upward®Award Celebration! We love helping churches reach the families participating in their league with our unique presentations of the Gospel!  Our family shares the gospel throughout our juggling presentations, we don’t entertain and then share…by the time we have done our juggling the families have had fun and they now understand God’s plan for their life and have clearly seen the Gospel demonstrated and heard it shared clearly.  We don’t push people into decisions or prayers, we help their eyes and hearts be open so they can accept Jesus, as God leads them, and they can make Him the Lord of their life.   We also have a lot of fun while we do this!  This is what we consider the job of an Upward® Entertainer!

“The reason I want the Dorrell family for my Upward®Awards Night–I know it will be a slam dunk!” Doug Grote, Upward®Star Center

“The Crazy Tie Guy and the Dorrell family did another fantastic job at our Upward Basketball Celebration! They have come to our church several times over the 20+ years of our basketball program. It is wonderful to see their family minister and entertain together. They are reliable, fun, and most importantly, have a clear gospel presentation that is engaging for kids and adults. I highly recommend them for your next event!”
Rev. Ben Tarver, Youth & Family Pastor, FBC Thomson, GA

Call or text to book your awards night today: 931-563-2330 or email: crazytieguy@gmail.com 

What makes us different from other Upward® entertainers:

We won’t just entertain your families and give them a feel good speech.  Don’t just get an entertainer and entertain your families at your awards night!  Use this opportunity for the Kingdom and have an evangelistic Christian entertainer!  The Dorrells will do an incredible job with your Upward Awards celebration!  A lot of entertainers just entertain and then say something nice about God at the end of their entertainment or quote Phil 4:13.  Nothing bad about that–but is that all you want?  We will give you SO MUCH MORE!  God has gifted our family to share the Gospel with a whole lot of fun for all ages!  Every age enjoys our time at your church AND every age goes away understanding God’s plan and His love for them!  Parents and kids will talk together about their time at your church and the message they heard from our family for months!  And some will give their lives to Jesus for the first time…others who were already believers will go out and share their faith for the first time because they really understand how to share the Good News after we’ve shared!  Your church doesn’t want to miss having the Dorrells for your Upward® Awards celebration!

Note:  I am not affiliated with Upward ® but am a recommended speaker/entertainer on their web site for churches using their program.

“The Dorrell’s are talented entertainers with servant hearts. I love the way they weave the truth of the gospel into their entire presentation. Our kids (and adults) were captivated by their talent and connected with the truth they shared. They are obviously connected to Upward Sports ministry and know how to lead your folks to celebrate the season. The thing that stood out to me the most was their servant heart. Kathy even jumped in to help us with our presentation of teams. Choose The Crazy Tie Guy for your next celebration and you will be blessed.” –Roxanne Nanney, Communications Commissioner; Meade County Upward Sports, Brandenburg, KY