Crazy Tie Guy Store

Products here are developed/authored by Nathan Dorrell, the Crazy Tie Guy.  Nathan Specializes in ministry tools and ministry books…mainly to help others share the Good News and share their faith.  The creative tools are unique to the Dorrell family–and are available here or at an event where the Dorrell family presents the Gospel which is their calling and full-time ministry.

Top product: the 1Gate keychain. watch the video to see how it works: send $5 check with your address and “Key Chain’ on the check memo line to (when you send a check we get 100% of the ministry donations and money…paypal and square take their cuts when you order with your credit card online). You can also get your keychain by submitting a donation for $5 or more on the donate button above…and please put “KEY CHAIN” in the memo/notes/instructions spot so we know to send you your keychain.:

Reflecting The Truth Ministries

7410 Rock Creek Rd.

Tullahoma, TN 37388

  1.  Drawing Bible Stories with a Surprise for the Eyes:  book detailing surprise drawings that help you tell 27 different Bible stories.  Each drawing flips around to share an amazing part of the story.

Drawing Bible Stories

2  We also have a Kindle offering: The Best of Drawing Bible Stories with a Surprise for the Eyes.  It has several of our favorites from the above book…as well as some of our favorites from Amazing Mirror Messages, witnessing tools and a few new amazing messages.  It’s a great tool if you need a some amazing ways to share…this could be a tool you use in ministry the rest of your life!

(by clicking buy on the Kindle books it will just take you to the Amazon site where you can view and purchase the book)

3.  Amazing Mirror Messages:  Reflecting the Truth:  This is our second installment in the Drawing Bible Stories with a Surprise for the Eyes series…This book uses surprise reflective properties, you can surprise your audience by having them look at your drawing in the mirror…or by flipping the paper or cloth that you paint on over to reveal the surprise on the back.   This is achieved with magic marker or spray paint.  Most of these pictures are words that change to say something else when you look in the mirror.  “USE YOUR BRAINS” reflects “PRAISE THE LORD!” and 65 more amazing messages!

Amazing Mirror Messages

 4.  God’s plan in Black and White:  Pick from the small cards or the large board:  Check out the video to see the Black and White Gospel presentation:

Video temporarily unavailable

God’s Plan in B&W

God’s Plan B&W cards packs of 25 and 50 (call to order personalized cards with your church info or personal info on the cards for 1000+cards)

5. The Magic Word Gospel presentation:  small or big…see the video

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Magic Word Board

Small folding MagicWORD cards

6.  Candy Store Sign. Download the skit for free…please purchase our sign to make it easy to share Jesus with your skit:

6.  One Gate cards…share the one way into Heaven.  JESUS!  “1Gate” changes to say “JESUS”


7.  For Kindle ebook:  The Big Bubble Bible Booklet…learn to use soap bubbles to share Bible stories (pic of cover missing…but link works.)

8.  The Church with the Chair in the Air:  A children’s book for adults…to help us evaluate our home church: