Join me in becoming an iWITNESS for Jesus! God has given me a gift to learn and develop simple visual methods of sharing Jesus. I find many Christians don’t know how to present the Gospel and just need something they can start with. These simple presentations give you multiple different ways you can share Jesus. Each presentation is designed to be short and engaging. I hope you as a family, individual or church will go through the whole iWITNESS training and learn multiple ways to share JESUS! Remember, these are just tools to help you…you need to spend time with Jesus every day to get to know Him personally to be able to share Him the best that you can.

  1. The Gospel Box Drawing: A simple drawing that you can set up and make just a few marks to share the Gospel. quick download practice sheet

2. The Ledger: Your spiritual bank account. A fairly simple fold and scribble gospel presentation with a surprise. Practice and you will be comfortable sharing this with a group or teaching others this presentation to help them learn to witness.

3. 20-23-1 an amazing number witness

check out the video below or download OUR LATEST VIDEO ON SHARING JESUS: 20-23-1 a simple, easy way to share JESUS!  Play this video at your AWANA group, Kid’s Missions groups, Children’s church, Sunday School–anywhere you have kids that need to learn to share their faith–and tell people about Jesus!  Make sure you have paper and pens/markers ready to hand out so they can practice and learn this amazing simple method to share the Gospel! OR learn to do it yourself, share and teach others!

Here is a tract that you can print out for free to use as you care for THE STATE OF A SOUL:

Guess My State tract